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Top 15+ best Pixar villains: From Evil to Most Evil

Written by LuuLy | Dec 8, 2020 11:00:00 PM

Unlike many other animated movies, Pixar movies are not only for children. We can easily name many best Disney Pixar movies for adults with deep and meaningful messages. One of the reasons why Pixar movies are so appealing to adults is because of the antagonists, they are characters with compelling background stories and impressive character development; not to forget their evilness that has scared us all. Here are the top 15 best Pixar villains: Evil to most evil in Pixar movies. Let get started!

Dr. Sherman (Finding Nemo)

Dr. Sherman and Nemo

Dr. Sherman is at the lowest among Pixar villains: evil to most evil maybe because he is actually not a really bad person. It is true that he is the one that takes Nemo away from his father, however, he does it only because he believes a small fish like Nemo would die in the ocean. Also, he truly cares for his fish as he is actually sad when he sees Nemo playing dead. Maybe these are reasons why he is one of the bad guys from the Pixar universe that fans do not really hate.

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Gabby Gabby (Toy Story 4)

Gabby Gabby – The main antagonist 

Gabby Gabby is among not-so-many Pixar female villains, being the main antagonist in Toy Story 4.  Unlike most of the names on the list of Pixar’s most evil villains, her initial motivation is not bad as she just wants to be loved again after being abandoned for so many years. However, it can be denied that the way she forcefully steals Woody’s voice box is somewhat evil. Luckily, she eventually comes to her senses and gets the ending that she deserves. She is a great character but her evilness is not enough to be put higher on the list of Pixar villains: evil to most evil.

Sid (Toy Story)

Sid – The Naughty Boy

Many people may wonder why Sid is on this low while he deserves to be on the “most evil” side in the list of Pixar villains: Evil to most evil. It’s true that what this little boy does is terrifying: he is interested in torturing and killing toys in horrible ways. However, little do you notice that he is a victim of an abusive father, which has created his violence toward subjects. Also, from his perspective, toys are just normal objects with no emotions; therefore, he can do whatever to them without feeling guilty. Sid’s complicated background story makes him one of the understandable Pixar’s evil characters.

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Chick Hicks (Cars)

The cheater and dirty racer

Chick Hicks is maybe the best example of Pixar evil villains who are bad for no compelling reasons. He is bad only because he is bad. He is a nasty racer and a cheater who will use the dirtiest actions just to win the race. Throughout his career, he has always been “The Runner-Up”, which is why he has become bitter and is willing to be first at any costs. At the tie-breaker race for the Pistol Cup, he purposely causes the terrible crash of The King. As a result, he has become one of the least favourite of all Pixar villains characters. 

Mor’du (Brave)


Mor’du – the evil demon bear

Mor’du is the major antagonist of 2012 Brave, he was a human prince before turning into an evil demon bear. Because of the curse, Mor’du is granted an enormous power, however, he cannot control himself. On the journey to fix her mistakes, Merida has encountered Mor’du several times and has been almost killed by him. He is the reminder for Merida of what would happen to her mother if she failed to reserve the curse. Even though Mor’du is scary and dangerous, he is just a victim of a deadly curse, therefore, he is one of the Pixar male villains that fans do not really hate. 

AUTO (Wall-E)

The deadly and dangerous AUTO

Wall-E is always recognized as one of the best Disney Pixar movies for adults, mostly because of its message about environmental issues or consumerism. Also, the movie is praised in terms of great characters, one to mention is AUTO – the main antagonist of Wall-E. It is inspired by HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, with the mission to entrap the whole humanity on the starliner Axiom. Being a deadly and scary machine that almost kills our heroes Wall-E and EVE, it is understandable why AUTO is one of the best villains from Pixar movies. 

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Charles Muntz (Up!)

The old crazy adventurer

Charles Muntz is one of the Pixar movies villains driven crazy by fame and fortune. He is the childhood hero of both Ellie and Carl and used to be the greatest adventurer before mysteriously disappearing. This man has spent years after years searching for a rare bird to prove his glory, at the point he has turned insane by this quest. He is willing to kill anyone whom he thinks is getting on his way. He is a murderer who nearly kills Carl, Russell, Dug and Kevin. This explains why he is among top Pixar villains. 

Mr. Waternoose (Monsters Inc)

Mr. Waternoose – the head of Monster Inc

Mr. Waternoose is one of the two Pixar evil characters from Monster Inc. He is famous for his scary quote “I’ll kidnap a thousand children before I let this company die!”. He is the head of Monster Inc, who has to face the pressure of monster’s world energy issues. Finding no proper solutions, he decides to use an extreme measure, which is using Randall to kidnap children from the human world to generate energy for the Monstropolis. His evil plan is the reason why is in this position of Pixar villains: Evil to most evil. 

Stinky Pete (Toy Story 2)

The selfish and wicked old toy

Stinky Pete is the main antagonist in the Toy Story 2 and is considered as one of the best villains from Pixar movies. He is a manipulated and terrible toy who will do anything for his own sake. He wants to be adored and being in the toy museum in Tokyo is a great opportunity. Therefore, he has done whatever it takes, even sabotaging Woody’s escape plan and destroying him. He even uses the fear of being abandoned to manipulate the emotion of other toys. His selfishness and wickedness are enough for him to be among Pixar’s most evil villains. 

Randall Boggs (Monster Inc)

Randall – the sneaky and evil jerk

Besides Mr. Waternoose, Randall is the other antagonist in Monster Inc. At first, it is thought that his main purpose is to beat Scully’s scare record, however, it is revealed that he is actually the one who directly kidnaps innocent children with the aims of making his mark on the world. He is a selfish jerk who will do anything, even harm the little children for his evil plan. He is sneaky, ruthless and pure evil, which puts him among top Pixar villains of all time. 

Chef Skinner (Ratatouille)

Everyone’s least favorite person in Ratatouille

Chef Skinner is the major antagonist of Ratatouille and probably one of the least favourite Pixar male villains. He is the head chef at Gusteau’s restaurant, however, he does not really care about fine dining; instead, he will do whatever it takes only for money. He uses Gusteau’s name and reputation to promote cheap and disgusting microwaveable meals. He even goes further by kidnapping and threatening to kill Remy for the sake of his evil plans. No wonder why he is among Pixar’s most evil villains ever. 

Lots-O’- Huggin’ Bear (Toy Story 3)

A psychopath who fails to redeem himself

Lots-O’-Huggin’ Bear, or Losto for short, is probably the most wicked Pixar villain of Toy Story ever. In contrast to his cute and harmless appearance, he is actually a psychopath, who is full of rage after being left behind by his former owner. He is an extremist who turns the Sunnyside Daycare into a toy prison, in which he is a warden who can decide the fate of other toys. Although at the end, Losto has a chance to redeem himself, he fails; which shows that he is just pure selfish and evil. He deserves to be one of the top Pixar villains. 

Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco)

De la Cruz – a murderer and a betrayer

The top three of the Pixar villains: Evil to most evil starts with Ernesto de la Cruz – the evil musician. He is a self-proclaimed best musician of Mexico and is admired by many people. However, it is later revealed that he is the one that poisons his best friend and steals his songs for himself to get the fame he does not deserve. He even attempts to kill Miguel and Hector to cover his dirty secrets. Overall, de la Cruz is a psychopath, a murderer and a coward who only cares about himself, making him the most wicked Pixar villain. 

Hopper (A Bug’s Life)

The cold and heartless leader – Hopper

In a movie, people tend to love the main characters and hate the antagonists, however, in A Bug’s Life, the best part is actually the villain. Hopper is definitely one of the best Pixar’s animal evil villains with his intelligence and deadly personality. He is an ditector who is willing to kill his people just to prove his point . He also threatens to kill his brother when he dares to speak his mind. Hopper’s extremity is what makes him in the second place of Pixar villains: evil to most evil. 

Syndrome (The Incredibles)

Syndrome – the nightmare of every superhero

The last name on the list of Pixar’s most evil villains, who is also considered as the greatest villain in the history of Pixar, is Syndrome – the antagonist of The Incredibles.  He is among the strongest evil Pixar characters for his deadly weapons. His evilness is shown in his unforgivable actions: he has killed many heroes for experimental purposes; he sells dangerous weapons to terrorist groups, he also plans to destroy an entire city with thousands of innocent people within for the sake of his evil purpose. These reasons are enough to consider Syndrome as the most evil in the list of Pixar villains: Evil to most evil.